• The Ikebe Super Magazine And The Notorious Character Dauda; (Throwback)

  • Throwback Times Nigeria has brought this wayback cartoon magazine to you. We want you to reminiscence on this especially the notorious s€x-maniac/raplst called Dauda.

    He was notorious for committing rape related crimes. His diabolic acts usually sent the Police, Soldiers and even the whole community chasing after him to bring him to justice or to lynch him which was the usual practice.

    Unluckily, Dauda most times often escaped as he always had a slippery and very speedy ability of getting away. This made him vagabond and 'Most Wanted' by the Law.

    There was one of Ikebe Super's edition that I still can't forget. Dauda was walking along one of his new street where he ran to hide after committing a major crime in one of the busiest city. On sighting extremely beautiful girls.

    He quickly device actionable plan to take advantage of them, he followed the girls while they heads to airport. The girls drop their luggage comprises of big travel boxes to check their flight formalities.

    Dauda was stealthily able to pack off one of the box contents, entered and locked the box. The three girls were the first passengers and unknowingly carry the boxes into the plane. They kept it at the luggage corner to search their flight seat.

    Dauda unzipped the box from inside and alighted from it, he, however went straight to the cockpit and started the aeroplane's engine, while the girls and other people outside the plane were shouting and screaming, he took off with speed.

    While the latitude increases, he began to take advantage of the girls one after the other till he became exhausted. He wanted to leave the plane after the act, but the girls warned him not to open the door because it is not advisable to open aeroplane's door while on air but he insisted and opened it. Unfortunately heavy winds took him off the plane. And that was the end of the tale.

    Dauda really was a devil at timing and taking the slightest opportunity to consently have sex or at most times rape his victims and some times to the point of death.

    Dauda was portrayed to be a crafty young man within his 30's, of average height, dark with huge lower-lip and sharp back-head, a funny haircut, average build, pot-bellied and ofcourse possessed an extra-large and protruding crotch.

    He was bad-looking as depicted, always wearing the same clothes for several editions because of his vagabond status.

    About Ikebe Super And The Founder:

    The comic magazine, Ikebe Super was founded, owned and managed by Wale Adenuga. He was born on September 24, 1950, at Ile Ife. He is a Nigerian former cartoonist/publisher.

    Currently the magazine (Ikebe super) is televised on versions. This magazine made wave in 1970s, 1980s and 1990s and among the most read and patronized/sale magazines in Nigeria.

    Adenuga who studied business administration at the University of Lagos in 1971, he worked with the cartoon section of the campus' magazine.

    On the process, he was made chief cartoonist. In 1975 after graduation and youth service in Bendel, his comic Ikebe Super was launched.

    The comic introduced characters such as Casanova Papa Ajasco, fool and illiterate Pa Jimoh, and playboy Boy Alinco. A leading female character, promiscuous gold-digger Miss Pepeiye, was subsequently introduced.

    Adenuga's other magazines were Super Story, which focused on satirical issues and Binta, a children's symposium.

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